The TGW-100 is a TETRA Data Gateway for SDS and Packet data communication to be directly connected to the TETRA SwMi. Two independent serial ports are used to interface the device to a SCADA Server or any other PC application and two RJ45 Ethernet ports for configuration via the TGW-100 Web Server and for IP connection to the TETRA SwMi.
The TGW-100 can operate 15 different serial protocols as Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, DBP3, Siemens Sinaut, ROC, BSAP, PakBus, and many more. The data received from the serial ports are compressed and sent to the SwMi for SDS transmission to an individual ISSI or as IP data for a TETRA IP address. In case of a link loss between the TGW-100 and the TETRA SwMi, the TGW will automatically switch over to an alternate SwMi IP address. Up to four TGW-100 gateway modules can be used in a single 19 inch rack, that is equipped with a redundant power supply.
Data Polling Performance:
When using two fully equipped TGW-100 19″ racks and 16 polling nodes, almost 1000 Data Polling Cycles are possible per minute. Utilising Modbus RTU protocol, a single 25 kHz TETRA carrier, the Main Control Channel MCCH plus three Secondary Control Channels SCCH.