Enhancing Communications Coverage with TetraFlex® Dynamic Subscriber Assignment (DSA)
DSA, released with the TetraFlex® SW 7.7, is an intelligent way realising quick and easy system setups or migration of terminals from one infrastructure to another. Registering terminals securely, but with minimal infrastructure subscriber maintenance. DSA is following DAMM’s strategy to invent solutions for Mission Critical Operations, e.g. such as catastrophe scenarios.
Enhancing Communications Coverage
The TetraFlex® Dynamic Subscriber Assignment is a new interesting feature, that together with the scalable and compact TetraFlex® system, provides a future oriented safe solution to secure communications at ”black spots” where currently established TETRA infrastructures, such as country- or region wide public safety networks have lack of coverage. The feature makes it possible for subscribers of any TETRA “home” network, automatically to be included in the TetraFlex® “guest” network within seconds. With a dynamic and automatic registration process no subscriber management is needed. While saving operational costs, users benefit of an instant and full end-to-end encrypted communication, with a full set of TETRA features available.