The Siemens Convergence Creator’s Integrated Fixed Dispatching System (IFDS) helps master the challenges of managing a busy airport and ensures a safe and economical operational work place. Coupled with advanced communication solutions based on the mission critical, industry standard TETRA, Siemens Convergence Creator’s IFDS offers airport operators a powerful tool for handling workforce management, including the ability to control operations as …
Siemens IFDS-Lite Console
Siemens Convergence Creators’ new IFDS-Lite portfolio addition delivers the ultimate in flexibility and pricing for PMR networks. Siemens Convergence Creators’ IFDS-Lite applications range offers more flexibility on the feature set and the price structure for core PMR applications to operators/users of TETRA networks than ever before. The IFDS-Lite solution is based on Multi Network Dispatching and GIS clients. It enables …